Add.:No. 32 Changqing street,
Jiangning Development Zone,
Temperature ultra-stable cryostat
The structure of this cryostat is split type, GM cryocooler and sample chamber are connected by a helium flexible infusion tube. The condensed helium is transferred to sample chamber to cool the sample down, and return back to the GM cryocooler to be cooled again. This recycle realizes zero helium consumption, meanwhile, the splt structure can greatly reduce the sample chamber's size.
TYPICAL APPLICATIONS: Ø Ground atomic clock calibration Ø Cryogenic materials property test Ø Cryogenic detector Ø MRI magnet |
SPECIFICATION: ØTemperature magnet: 4.2K-15K; ØTemperature fluction:±1mK; ØNumber of sample lead:16pin(optional); Ø Helium consumption:0; Ø vibration index:X-Axis<1μm; Y-Axis<1μm; Z-Axis<1μm.